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Looking Back: Love and God's Heart

"When you know how much God is in love with you then you can only live your life radiating that love.” -Saint Teresa of Calcutta

While praying about what to write for this Valentine’s Day blog post, a specific phrase stuck out to me as I was reading a daily meditation on the Gospel. It talked about God’s heart and how His love has no boundaries. I reflected on God’s perfect love and was reminded of so many stories in the Gospel that put His love on full display. Like the time his heart was moved with pity as he saw the large crowds who were like a sheep without a shepherd. His heart was filled with compassion and He taught them (Mark 6:34). His desire to feed thousands of people who had been with Him all day (Matthew 14:15-21). The many miraculous healings that touched Jesus’ heart. How He wept for his friend, Lazarus, who had died (John 11:35). And, of course, the ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross so we could live with Him in eternity.

Two years ago on Valentine’s Day, I launched Project Emmaus. I couldn’t think of a better day to kick off a blog all about God’s perfect love.

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to talk with many people over the last couple of years. It’s been such an honor to hear their stories of God’s love in their lives and how they responded to that love. I have been challenged and in awe more times than I can count. During a time of crisis, Doug felt God’s call in his life to help others. John and Carol experienced many blessings after they committed to opening their hearts to the needs around them. A near death experience opened Rich’s heart to God’s incredible love. It resulted in greater trust and peace in his life along with the desire to share this with others. And, these are only a few of the many stories.

All of this caused me to pause as I could see the reality of the quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta.

Father John Bartunek, author of The Better Part, wrote the following from Jesus’ perspective to us, “I didn’t come to earth for me – I came for you. I came to convince you that I want to be close to you, to walk with you. I am with you now; I am always at your side, in your heart. You don’t need to impress me to earn my love. You already have it – all of it. Come to me. Unburden yourself to me. Trust me. I came for you.”

On this Valentine’s Day, I offer two challenges.

First, spend time with Jesus today. Open your heart to Him. Talk to Jesus as you would a friend and then listen. Re-read the above quote from Father Bartunek.

Second, ask Jesus how you can share His love with others. How can you better love those closest to you? Is there someone in need you should reach out to? Is there a gift God has blessed you with that He wants you to share with someone?

Finally, I want to close with a sincere THANK YOU to all of you who follow Project Emmaus and read the blog. Also, for all the likes, comments and shares you give on social media! I’m incredibly grateful to all of you who have shared your stories with me. You are all helping to spread God’s love – to be a light! By the way, I’m always open to hearing more stories. Please reach out if you would like to share!

I haven’t been as consistent with the blog this year. It’s been a combination of life and working on another prayer project that I’m super excited about! More about this later but by God’s will, I’ll have some exciting news to share in the coming months!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Reflection Questions:

1. Spend time with Jesus today. Open your heart to Him. Talk to Jesus as you would a friend and then listen. Re-read the above quote from Father John Bartunek.

2. How is Jesus’ asking you to share His love with others? How can you better love those closest to you? Is there someone in need you should reach out to? Is there a gift God has blessed you with that He wants you to share with someone?

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